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Сценарии, сценки на английском языке для детей
07.11.2014, 19:32

В наше время очень важно обучать детей английскому языку. чтоб обучение проходило в непринужденной и игровой форме, помогут сценарии и сценки. Удачного обучения и отличного настроения!



Сценарий на английском языке для школьников

«Charlie and the Chocolate

Автор: Учитель английского языка
Широкова Мария Андреевна

Форма проведения мероприятия – мини-спектакль “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”.
Цели мероприятия:
совершенствование навыков говорения и подготовленной устной речи;
расширение активного вокабуляра;
активизация в речи лексических единиц по теме “Food”;
повторение особенностей употребления в речи грамматических времен: Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple;
развитие навыков аудирования;
формирование компенсаторной компетенции.
развитие творческих способностей учащихся;
развитие у учащихся интереса к английскому языку;
работа над ликвидацией языкового барьера.
воспитание чувства ответственности за свою работу, чувства уважения к одноклассникам;
преодоления чувства стеснения (если такое имеется) за результаты своей работы.
Связь с учебным материалом: образовательные цели, которые преследует данное мероприятие, тесным образом связаны со школьной программой 5класса по английскому языку. Это проявляется, прежде всего, в необходимости закрепления как грамматического материала (употребление времен группы Simple), так и лексического (вокабуляр по теме “Food”). Кроме того данная постановка способствует развитию у ребят речевой и социокультурной компетенции.
Оснащение внеклассного мероприятия: 1. Декорации для оформления кабинета.
2. Магнитофон для воспроизведения музыкального сопровождения.
3. Костюмы для героев и реквизит.
Ход мероприятия:
1. Организационный момент. Вступительное слово.
“Good afternoon. We are all glad to see you at our performance. Today we are going to present you our interpretation of the story “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”. We hope you’ll like it and have a good time! Now when the actors are ready let us start.”
2. Драматизация (текст см. Приложение).
3. Подведение итогов.
“Our performance is over and we would like to thank, first of all, our actors for this marvelous show! We are also eager to express gratirtude to our guests and all the audience, whose help and support were very useful. Thank you very much!”
Использованная литература - “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” by Ronald Dahl. Puffin, 2006.
The list of characters:
Mr. Bucket
Mrs. Bucket
Grandpa George
Grandma Georgina
Grandpa Joe
Grandma Josephine
Augustus Gloop
Gloop's mother
Veruca Salt
Veruca Salt's father
Michael Teavee
Michael Teavee’s mother

Scene 1: Meeting the Buckets
Author: Hello, my dear boys and girls!!! We'll tell you the story about Charlie and the
Chocolate Factory!!!! Here they are!!! How do you do, Grandpa George?
Grandpa George: Fine, thanks.
Author: How do you do, Grandma Georgina?
Grandma Georgina: I'm all right, thank you.
Author: How do you do, Grandpa Joe?
Grandpa Joe: I'm OK, OK.
Author: How do you do, Grandma Josephine?
Grandma Josephine: Better than yesterday, my boy.
Author: This is Mr. Bucket. This is Mrs. Bucket. They have a small boy whose name is Charlie.
Charlie: We are all pleased to meet you!!!
Author: The family is very, very poor. They live in an old wooden house.
Charlie: How I dream of chocolate! Here it is!!! The great chocolate factory of Mr. Wonka! How
I want to visit it!
Grandpa Joe: Common, Charlie! I'll tell you about the factory. When I was younger, I worked
for Mr. Wonka. The factory was the greatest place in the whole world! But he closed it and for
many years nobody saw him. But now the factory is working.
Charlie works up and down the street and sees the advertisement:
(written on the blackboard)
Charlie: Oh, my birthday is coming and I'll get some chocolate. May be I'm lucky to find a
golden ticket!
All the family around Charlie, he opens his bar of chocolate, but there is no golden ticket in it.
Author: But poor Charlie isn't lucky. He is so upset. Poor Charlie!!!
Scene2: Five lucky Children
Newspaperman (waving a newspaper): Hear, hear, hear!!!!! The first two tickets are found!
Augustus Gloop and his mother appear.
Gloop's mother: My dear boy, I'm so proud of you! He eats so much chocolate you know.
Augustus Gloop: Eating is my hobby.
Veruca Salt and her father appear.
Veruca Salt: Where is my golden ticket? I want my golden ticket!!
Veruca Salt's father: I found it for you! My sweety, my dearest!!!
Veruca Salt: I get it, I get it!!!
Newspaperman (weaving an newspaper): Hear, hear, hear!!!!! Two golden tickets found today.
Only one more left!!!
Violet and Michael Teavee appear.
Violet: I love gum, I can't do without it, I love, love gum. Also I love making records. Chewing
gum is also a record! I'm the best in everything I do!
Michael Teavee: Keep quiet! Can't you see I'm watching TV? Leave me alone and keep uiet!
Charlie (terribly disappointed): I'll never find it... I'll never get it...
After school Charlie walks home and sees a bar of chocolate on the street. He opens it and finds
his golden ticket.
Charlie: I found it! I found it!
Scene3: The factory
Author: The big day comes when 5 children visit the factory, and Mr. Wonka meets them at the door.
Mr.Wonka: Hey!!! Hooray!!! I'm glad to meet you! Welcome to the factory!!! Common, common!!! Hurry up!!! That's right!!! Let's go!!!
Mr. Wonka: An important room, this! Look, everything is made of chocolate!!! Trees, river and boat, too!!! The grass is made of sugar!!! It's beautiful! BEA-UTI-FUL!!!
Veruca Salt: Who is up there? They look like tiny dolls.
Mr.Wonka: They are men, my dear. They are the Oompa-Loompas. My helpers. Working for chocolate. Chocolate is the best food for them. They are very happy.
Augustus, no! Don't drink from the river!
Augustus Gloop: I like this chocolate so much! I'll drink it all (falling into the river). Help! Help! Help! I can't swim!
Gloop's mother: Save him! Save him!
Mr.Wonka: He will be Ok. You will find him down the pipe. Only four left? That's right!!! Common, common!!! Hurry up!!!
Mr.Wonka: Come in, come in! That's my favorite room. Here, for example, the gum that tastes like a dinner! OH, VIOLET! DON'T TAKE IT!!!
Author: But Violet puts the gum into the mouth and becomes big... and violet and the Oompa-Loompas take her away.
Mr.Wonka: Three more children left! Let's go!
Mr.Wonka: Look here! It's a nut room. Squirrels help us to sort nuts! Don't enter! It's dangerous!
Veruca Salt: I want a squirrel! Buy a squirrel, father! Buy! Buy! Buy!
Mr.Wonka: They are not for sale.
Veruca Salt: Then I'll get one myself!!
Veruca enters the room and the squirrels push her into the garbage pipe.
Veruca Salt's father: Where is my daughter? Answer!
Mr.Wonka: On the street, I hope, or may be not! Common, common!!! Hurry up!!! There's no time left!
Michael Teavee: Do you have a TV set? Mr.Wonka: Yes, my boy. Follow me!
Mr.Wonka: I invent a TV set that helps taste chocolate before buying it! We can move a bar of chocolate from one end of the room into the other!
Michael Teavee: But can it send people? (jumps and pushes a button and disappears)
Michael Teavee's mother: Where is he? Is he all right?
Mr.Wonka: Let's hope for the best!
Michael Teavee appears on the screen, waves to his mother.
Mr.Wonka: Take him! Quickly!
Michael Teavee's mother: But he is tiny!
Mr.Wonka: Go to the Oompa-Loompas, they 'll do something for him!!! Bye,Bye!!! Hurry up!!! Let's go!
Charlie: But I'm the only one left!
Mr.Wonka: Really? But, my boy! You are the winner! Come on! Come on! Go into the lift! Up and out!
They enter the lift and it goes up in the air.
Mr.Wonka: Look! There is our city. And there is the factory!
Charlie: The most wonderful place in the world!
Mr.Wonka: You really think so? Well, Charlie, now the factory is yours.
Grandpa Joe: You are going to give it to him?
Charlie: That’s why you’ve sent out the gold tickets?
Mr.Wonka: Exactly!
Grandpa Joe: Are you sure?
Mr.Wonka: That is my choice!
Author: You know, my dear friends, Mr.Wonka has no children and wants to find a kind child to help him to run the factory and Charlie becomes his friend and the best chocolate maker in the world!!!
Источник: http://nsportal.ru/shkola/inostrannye-yazyki/library/2011/10/18/stsenariy-mini-spektaklya-na-angliyskom-yazyke-charli-i



Сценки на английском языке для школьников

Три ёлки танцуют в наушниках с плеерами.
Надписи «New Year trees»
Идет дед мороз. (Еле ползёт с огромным мешком).
Видит ёлки. Плюхается на землю, трёт глаза.
-I am as old as the hills. But I have never seen New Year trees dancing! It must be
because of the presents. The bag weighs too much.
1ая-Look. It is Father Frost. He seems to need help.
2ая-You don’t move! He’ll tell people about us!
3-я-Don’t be yellow. He is so kind, and considerate, and cheerful!
1-ая- Father Frost. What’s the matter?
Дед мороз:
-Nothing in particular, but you can talk and dance!
Yes. We are very particular trees. And we have particular magical music! But give us a
solemn promise not to tell people about us!
-I do promise.
-And you must dance with us!
-Oh, no!
Елки хором:
-Oh, yes!
Танцуют под песню «wild thing».
Входит снегурочка. Одна ель говорит другой:
-She gave him a black look! She is angry!
-It happens once in a blue moon!
-Grandfather! What’s up?
-Ah, Snegurochka. Join our tremendous party!
- Grandfather, we are busy!
-What are you mumbling, dear? Don’t be so anxious and fussy! You need to relax.
Maybe a massage?
-No. I need a new Father Frost!
-Dear. Don’t rush at conclusions! Dance with us for a minute and we’ll go to dear
Танцуют. Надпись « A hundred years later». Всё еще танцут

Characters: Cashier, Customer, Bank Robber
(A customer comes into the bank)
Ca: Good afternoon, sir. Can I help you?
Cu: Yes. I’d like to cash a cheque for five pounds, please.
Ca: Certainly. Here you are, sir.
Cu: Thank you very much. Good afternoon.
Ca: Good afternoon. Oh! It’s three-thirty. It’s time to close the bank.
(Входит грабитель и несёт ружьё)
Robber: This is a hold-up! Everyone stands against the wall!
Cu: Uh! It’s a hold-up?
R: That’s right. It’s a hold-up.
Ca: I beg you pardon, sir.
R: I say this is a hold-up. Hurry up! Hang over the money!
Ca: I’m terribly sorry, sir. I’m afraid the bank is closed.
R: But I’m a dangerous criminal! This is a gun!
Cu: If you don’t give him the money, he will kill us!
R: That’s right. Unless you do as I say I’ll shoot you! I’m a very violent person.
Ca: Well, I’m a cashier of the bank of the USA. I’m not allowed to serve customers after three-thirty.
R: But I’m not a customer. I’m a bank robber. Anyway it’s only twenty-five past three.
Ca: No, no. My watch is always right. It’s twenty-eight minutes to four.
R to Cu: What do you make the right time?
Cu: Well, I … make it … twenty-eight minutes to four as well.
Ca: You see. I’m afraid the bank is closed. If you came back before 3.30, I’d be glad to serve you.
R: Oh, all right. I’ll come back tomorrow at a quarter past three.
Ca: Fine. See you tomorrow. Good afternoon, sir!
Источник: http://nsportal.ru/shkola/inostrannye-yazyki/angliiskiy-yazyk/library/2013/02/10/stsenki-na-angliyskom-yazyke



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