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Главная » Файлы » Сценарии » Сценарий свадьбы

Wedding ceremony in Russia. Russian wedding. / Сценарий свадьбы на английском языке
02.04.2017, 08:27


History of the region
Description of the history of the region from the first ancient chronicles to the present day: population, economic development, life of the mirs (peasant communities) in Kok-shenga river basin.

Annual cycle of rural entertainments and feasts
Description of different kinds of meetings of the youth such as posidelki and besedy (chats), winter and spring games, mass songs and dances, etc. where young people made acquaintance with each other; preparation for the match-making.

Wedding rite
Sequence of steps of the wedding ceremony.

Chapter 1. Match-making
Ritual features of the match-making; match-makers' behaviour, customs and rites.

Chapter 2. Inspection of the place
Inspection of the bridegroom's house and belongings. Preparation of the dowry. (Rites, index of the obligatory dowry).

Chapter 3. Zaporuki (Covering)
First step of the wedding ceremony. The bride is covered with a foulard and she begins to lament. Local features of the rite. Texts of the prichets performed during zaporuki with local versions.

Chapter 4. Beer brewing
Brewing of beer for the wedding is a long process ac¬companied with a number of rites and ritual prichet.

Chapter 5. The Week
This chapter describes the week preceding the wedding-day, during which the bride accompanied by her girl-friends laments saying farewell to her village, house and relatives, who make gifts to her, bride the goes on the ugor (hill) where she continues to lament. All kinds of weekly prichets performed on this occasion are presented with local versions. (This chapter is the largest.)
Chapter 6. Arrival of the bridegroom during the Week
The bridegroom brings gifts to the bride, who meets and sees him off with a prichet.
Cnapter 7. Wedding-day morning Preparations for the wedding are described.

Chapter 8. Baths

Bride's going to the bath-house is an important part of the wedding rite; which is accompanied with a number of magic pledges (oberegi) and long prichets.

Chapter 9. Meeting girl-friends

The bride meets her girl-friends with peculiar lamentations and ritual actions. Prichets are given, as in the foregoing chapters, with local versions.

Chapter 10. Arrival of the bridegroom

Description of the bridegroom's poezd (procession) (each companion bears his own ritual name). The procession is ac¬companied with a complicated rite of meeting the bridegroom, pledges, etc. Costumes, customs, gifts and manner of gift-making, «redeeming of the table», etc. are described.

Chapter 11. Zdravstvovanye

The match-maker entertains to the bride and the girls, who respond with a special ritual prichet.

Chapter 12. Appearing of the bride before the table

This is the rite of the dressed up bride appearing before the guests. It is also accompanied with various prichets. The bride entertains to the bridegroom and the guests.

Chapter 13. Girls' party

This is the rite of the bride's saying farewell to her girl-friends and the youth. Usually, young people play, sing and eat. The bride continues to lament (to the guests). A number of ritual actions are performed. A list of songs with local versions, texts of the songs and prichets as well as music are enclosed.

Chapter 14. Marriage-day morning
The bride says farewell to her relatives, laments. The rites of this stage of the ceremony are described.

Chapter 15. Appearing at the table

Chapter 18. After the marriage ceremony
This is the last appearing of the bride, when she, after a number of lamentations, joins her bridegroom at the table to procede after that to the church. This is also a solemn ritual action.
Arrival to the bridegroom's house, ritual reception of, the newly weds, party, rites preceding the first night are described.

Chapter 16. Party at the bride's place

Chapter 19. Last wedding rites
A number of ritual actions immediately follow the wedding, including visits to the mother-in-law, etc.

This party which follows the appearing of the bride is rather short, for the guests hurry to the church. Girls sing various ref¬rains for which the guests have to reward them. (Texts of the refrains with local versions are enclosed.) The bride still continues lamenting and saying farewell to the house.

Chapter 17. Departure for the church

The bride is carried covered with a foulard. A number of rites preventing sorcery are performed. Departure and marriage ceremonies are described.

The wedding is thus finished.
The following sections of the book include: monographic specimens of the wedding prichets presented by some most competent singers; music; table of distribution and evolution of the rite; local words and expressions, comments.
A map of the region is also presented. Music examples are given after a thorough study and selection, and represent the result of a scientific analysis performed on the most typical for this wedding tradition tunes.

Категория: Сценарий свадьбы | Добавил: Таврия
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